Editing and proofreading corporate communication
Professional polishing for web-content, advertising/promotional material, academic theses, business plans, grant applications, presentations.
Web content:
Your web-site is your global shop window and your content is absolutely vital in getting your message across. Is your message persuasive? Have you described your product or service clearly? Do you have a clear and direct call to action? Is your content topical, relevant, up-to-date, SEO-friendly and well-presented?
Other corporate communication:
A poorly worded presentation will not impress your audience.

Doesn’t fill with confidence
A grant application strewn with spelling mistakes and punctuation errors does not project a professional, prepared approach.
Promotional material with key grammar errors can go viral for all the wrong reasons.
Few things can let a business or academic project down more easily than poorly presented material. Some spelling, punctuation and grammar errors are easy to fix. Others need a more practiced eye. Not everyone who finds themselves having to communicate in writing has the ability to do it well, or the time to learn. editorial.ie can ensure that your corporate communication, be it anything from promotional flyer to website, is perfectly presented, well written, clear and persuasive.
Investigate our options to the right. If you have a particular problem not mentioned there, get in touch and we can discuss your business needs.